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Click OK and click Setup > Serial Port and set the baud rate to
19200 baud
is the default baud rate of the adapter:
Click OK. If there is a Flow switch on your Serial Bluetooth adapter it should be in
position DCE (towards the DB9 connector on the UCBT232B/EXA).
Example: Entering the command VERSION=? gives you the UCBT232B/EXA’s
version number.
You are now
ready to send commands to the UCBT232B/EXA. If you enter the command AT you
should get an ‘OK’ back from the UCBT232B/EXA.
To be able to setup a link between the two serial Bluetooth adapters, one unit has to
be configured as a Master and the other has to be configured as a Slave (this is the
default setting).
To change the adapter from Slave mode (default mode) to Master mode enter the
following command:
This will put the adapter in Master mode, (for a list of all commands please refer to
the serial Bluetooth adapters user’s manual).