You have a 53,000 Grain Softener with a regeneration capacity of 36,000 Grains and a hardness level of 26 GPG.
First add 5 GPG to 26 GPG = 31 GPG
Then use the following formula;
36,000 Grains/31 GPG = 1,161.00 Subtract 75 gallons per person in the family 4 x 75 = 300 gallons
So we would set the capacity wheel to 861 Gallons. You will set the gallons capacity to the setting just below the actual
gallons from the formula.
The softener setting can be adjusted as follows;
1. Locate the program wheel just to right of the manual regeneration knob.
2. Rotate program wheel until the white dot located on the outermost gear is aligned with the capacity (gallons) arrow on
the control panel.
3. Place your thumb firmly on the white dot to hold the outer gear while setting the program wheel.
Lift out the “gallons” dial (clear plastic) and rotate it so that the number of gallons from the previous formula is lined up
with the blue capacity arrow.
For our aforementioned example the outer wheel with the white dot will be aligned with the blue capacity arrow and the
clear dial will be rotated so that the gallons are aligned at 850 at the blue arrow.
Note: The Gallons wheel (clear plastic wheel) is labeled with double digits. This is x100 gallons so for 850 gallons the
wheel will be just past 8 on the second mark for 50. The interval between the two digit numbers is in 25 gallon
Setting The Time Of Day
1. Depress the button on left side of valve control panel next to the large wheel.
2. Rotate the 24-hour gear on the manual regeneration knob until the time of day appears in the window (note a.m. and
2. Check that the time of regeneration is factory pre-set to occur at 2:00 a.m. on each day for which a program tab is
If a different regeneration time is desired, set the time of day ahead or behind the actual time of day. If this is
done, it is recommended that time dial be re-labeled.
The desired regen time is 8am and the factory regen time is 2 am. You will set the time of day 6 hours behind the actual
time where you live
Start Up Procedure
– Disinfection –
The material used in the construction of the modern water softener will not support the growth of bacteria. However,
the conditions existing during shipment, storage and installation are unknown and thus dictates the disinfecting of a
softener after installation, before it is used to treat potable water. With this in mind, your newly installed water softener
should be disinfected using the recommended procedure described in this section. Ordinary chlorine laundry bleach is
an excellent disinfecting agent for this purpose. The proper dosage for your particular softener model is listed below.