x2 Addendum
Making Calls With Multilink PPP
You can only make a Multilink PPP call using PPP software, such as Windows
95 Dial-Up Networking, FTP Explorer, NetManage Chameleon, or Trumpet
Winsock. Terminal programs do not support Multilink PPP.
If you are using Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking, uncheck the “Use
Country and Area Code” check box if you are using Multilink PPP.
Making an Outgoing Multilink PPP Call Using PPP Software
When making an outgoing Multilink call, enter the number of the host. If you
are given two different phone numbers, you must enter both numbers. The
numbers must be separated by an ‘&’ as shown in the figure “Connection With
Multilink PPP” below.
If the modem you’re dialing only has one phone number, your I-modem dials
the same number for both calls. When only one number is given, you don’t
need to enter the number twice in the PPP software.
When you attempt to dial another I-modem, you must enter the Data
number first and the Voice number second.
Making an Incoming Multilink PPP Call to Your I-modem
When someone attempts to call your I-modem using Multilink PPP, they must
enter the Data number first and the Voice number second.
See the following figures for an example of phone numbers with and without
Multilink PPP using Windows 95. These rules apply when using terminal
programs with other operating systems.
Regular Connection Without Multilink PPP