Wireless MAXg USB Adapter: User Guide
attempt to make any changes.
Roam Tendency
This property adjusts the roaming thresholds for the Wireless
g USB Adapter.
Roams to wireless networks having a signal strength at least 10 dB greater
than the current one.
Roams to wireless networks having a signal strength at least 30 dB
greater than the current one.
(default) Roams to wireless networks having a signal strength at least 20 dB
greater than the current one.
Roaming Decision
This property sets the behaviour of the Wireless
g USB Adapter when roaming
Optimize Bandwidth
Optimize Distance
RTS Threshold
RTS Threshold sets the maximum number of frames allowed in a data packet before the
Request To Send/Clear To Send Handshake is used. When the RTS Threshold is
exceeded, the adapter sends a Request To Send message to the access point prior to
sending data. When the access point receives the the Request To Send message, it
file:///G|/CSO/T-Writer%20Repository/Networking/5425...Refresh%20USB/User%20Guide/English/config_vista.html (19 of 20)6/26/2007 9:29:33 AM