12. Common Operations
Retrieve Messages
Press the Check key to connect to the server to
receive new messages.
Search for Messages
After using the MailStation for a period of time, you
may find that you have many messages stored in
your In Box. The Search function allows you to
locate messages by:
Sender (Author) of the message
Date that the message was sent to you
Subject of the message
Messages that you have not read
For example, if you want to find a mail sent by
Peter after selecting Search, input Peter in the field
after Contain:, and then press the Find: Author key.
In just a second, your MailStation will locate the
mail and display its Sender, Date and Subject for
Using Your Out Box
In Out Box, you can:
Edit messages
Delete messages
Compose new E-Mail messages
Send all saved E-Mail messages
Search for E-Mail messages
Edit Messages
Highlight the message in your Out Box that you want
to edit using the Up and Down arrow keys, then
press the Edit key. You will see the message is
displayed with the cursor flashing in front of the
content text. Now, you are ready to edit the text.
Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move the
cursor to the To and Subject fields; you can also
add or remove the address as well as modify the
Delete a Message
To delete a message, choose Delete and confirm
your deletion. The message will be erased.
Create a New Message
To create a message, press the New key. You can
start to write a new E-Mail message. (See page 7)
for details.
Send Messages
The Out Box contains four kinds of messages:
Saved Messages
Saved messages are E-Mails you have previously
written on the MailStation which are now awaiting
transmission. When you press the Send All key, all
the saved messages will be sent at once.
Draft Messages
Draft messages are messages which are still in
process — they are shown in the Out Box with a
small pen indicator in the left margin of the display.
When you press the Send All key, draft messages
will NOT be sent. If you want to send draft mails,
press the Edit key to open the draft mail, and edit
the mail until you are satisfied. Then press the Save
key, and select Save in Out Box. The message is
now a saved message and will be sent the next time
you press the Send All key (see above.)
Saved Faxes
Saved faxes are messages you have previously
written on the MailStation which are now awaiting
transmission. When you press Send All, the
outbound faxes are not sent out with the saved
messages. To send a fax from the Out Box, press the
Enter key to open it, and choose Send Now to send
it. Your MailStation will confirm to you when the
saved fax is successfully sent, but you will still see
the fax in Out Box. This allows you to send the
same fax message sage to more than one person
without having to write it again and again.
Draft Faxes
Draft faxes are fax messages which are still in
process — they are shown in the Out Box with a
small pen indicator in the left margin of the display.
When you press the Send All key, draft faxes will
NOT be sent. To send a draft fax, you have to first
press the Enter key to open it, and choose Send
Now to send it.