If the overload does cut power to the motor:
• Raise the cutter-block and remove the work-
piece from the machine (where necessary).
• Leave the machine to cool for at least 10- 15
• Reset the overload by simply pressing it.
• Ensure the cutter-block is free from obstruc-
tion and turn the machine on.
If the temperature has reduced to a safe level
the motor will run and you can continue to
safely use the thicknesser.
If the machine does not reset, leave ita little
longer. The ambient temperature is a large
factor which will reduce or add to the time it
takes to both overload and also cool to accept-
able levels.
For normal planing operations press the ON/
OFF button first, and then press the “ZERO”
button. Press“in/mm” button to select impe-
rial or metric readings. These two buttons can
be effected regardless of moving the height
adjustment wheel, then you can start planing.
The reading on the display can be amended at
any time by the following:
1) Press and hold the ZERO button until the
word “SET” flashes in the display.
2) While the “SET” icon is flashing, press and
hold “P+” or “P-” buttons for 3 seconds to
change the current display values until you are
3) Press the ZERO button again, “SET” icon dis-
appears form the display.
NOTE: If the display is acting erratically remove
the battery for thirty seconds and then replace
it and then continue with operation. When
displaying error (e.g. no readings or flashing)
it means the batteries are low and need replac-
ing. Push against the arrow to open the bat-
tery cover, withdraw the battery for replace-
ment. The voltage of the Zinc button batteries
is 1.2 volts. After replacement, re-fit the cover.
This button enables the reading to be ‘split’
and totalised. Example next in (mm):
Press the ABS button, the word “INC” appears
on the display.
1. Set the pointer to zero on the scale & press
the “Zero” button. DRO reads 00
2. Raise the thicknesser. DRO reads 25mm
3. Press the ABS button. DRO reads 00
4. Raise the thicknesser. DRO reads 20mm
5. Press the ABS button. DRO reads 45mm
6. Press the ABS button. DRO reads 00
7. Raise thicknesser. DRO reads 15mm
8. Press the ABS button once more. DRO reads
ABS works equally in imperial.
The recommended lubrication for roller chains
used in medium to low operation is to simply
wipe the chain clean. When there is an excess
build up of dust or wood shavings etc., coat
chain with a light film of oil but never pour
the oil directly on the chain. Over-oiling tends
to hasten the collection of dust and wood-
shavings and works them into members of
the chain leading to increased wear and pre-
mature replacement. This applies to the speed
reduction and height adjustment chains as well
as the elevation screws.
The bearings on the cutterhead are factory
lubricated and sealed. They require no further
Build-up of sawdust and other debris can cause
your machine to plane inaccurately. Periodic
cleaning is mandatory for precision planing
and highly recommended.
Close fitting parts, such as the lockbars and
the planer cutterhead slots, should be cleaned
with a brush; removing clinging foreign mat-
ter. Then replace all parts in their respective
positions slightly dampened with oil. Remove
Compartment for the batteries
(2 of 1,2 V)
CE913 manual.indd 16
23/06/15 14:37