© Urban Coop Company, all rights reserved.
Fig 1
Fig 2
Roost Assembly (Coop Top Part 2)
Fig 1
Place roost assembly onto run assembly made in Step 1
making sure end marked “Door” is placed above
run door end.
Square up ends by racking as needed, and secure by driving two E1 brown screws behind lift bars
down from roost top assembly into top of bottom run assembly
Fig 2
Using two E1 brown screws, attach sides of run to roost by screwing into pre-drilled holes on the top side
of each A1 run side panel up into bottom bar of each B1 roost side panel, flexing sides in or out to align as
needed before driving in screws.
© Urban Coop Company, all rights reserved.
Fig 1
Squaring (suggested)
Fig 1
Your coop is likely square, but it’s good to check. Using a measuring tape, measure the inside distance
from corner to corner of the roost and “rack” the coop as needed to make the distance the same. If you own a
square that will fit into the roost area and know how to use it, place it against the B2 roost ends and square up to
the B1 roost side panels. Both methods will produce the same result. The next steps will start to lock the coop
together, and it will be difficult to straighten later. A coop that is not square will mostly show by the roof not laying
down nicely. It won’t hurt anything. If it’s square within a 1/4 of an inch, that is good.