Thank you for
purchasing your
new Round-Top
Mobile Chicken
PLEASE READ... as we want your assembly experience to be fun and as
frustration free as possible.
It has been our experience that if you will read through these instructions first, then identify
and lay out each part of your package using the parts identification pages in these
instructions, assembly is more trouble free. The more options you order, the more
important this becomes as these coops are quite large, and you may become confused by
panels that look similar.
You should expect extra fasteners to be left over. In the rare occasion that we either mis-
manufactured a part, a part was damaged in shipping, or we forgot to package a needed
part, contact us, and we will FedEx a replacement part to you.
There are also helpful assembly videos that can be found on the product page of your
coop at
, and you can of course contact us at 877-741-2667.
We can solve most issues you might have over the phone.
Urban Coop Company
Find your inner farmer
Assembly Instructions
V 08.09.16
Copyright Urban Coop Company, all rights reserved. Do not duplicate by any means except for personal non-commercial use or
distribute without prior written permission of the Urban Coop Company. Contact us at [email protected] or call 877-741-COOP with any
questions or concerns.
The Round-Top Mobile Chicken Coop™ design and/or accessories may be protected by a federal copyright and/or a pending federal
design patent(s).