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Next, you will select which column the time clock will punch. The options are:
01 Column 1
02 Column 2
03 Column 3
04 Column 4
5. Use the + and – buttons to make your selection. For the first punch of the day, select 01
and press Enter.
Repeat these steps for the remaining codes. To follow the example in this section, you
would set up code 02 to punch at 12:00pm on Monday–Friday in column 02; code 03 to
punch at 1:00pm on Monday–Friday in column 03; and code 04 to punch at 5:00pm on
Monday–Friday in column 04. You can enter up to 12 codes.
The time clock allows you to enter times at which the punch color will change between red
and black, highlighting times when employees punch in late or punch out early. You can
set up to 24 times during the week when the print color will change between red and black
(codes 01–24).
For example, your office employees work Monday–Friday from 8:00am–5:00pm and they
all take a lunch break from 12:00pm–1:00pm. You allow a grace period of 15 minutes for
both arrival and departure times of your employees. However, you would like to know
when an employee punches in 15 minutes late or more in the morning and when they
punch out 15 minutes early or more in the afternoon. So you will set the clock to change
the punch color to red from 8:15am–11:30am, because you want to make sure the punch
color is black again before anyone punches out for lunch. You will then set the clock to
change the punch color to red from 1:30pm–4:45pm. This will highlight any punches that
take place between the lunch hour and 4:45pm. At 4:45pm, you want the punch color to
be black again for employees who punch out at 4:45 or later.
1. Under the HN5 menu, when the code “01” appears, use the + and – buttons to select the
hour that the punch color will switch. For 8:15am, set the hour to 08 and then press Enter
to confirm the setting.
2. Use the + and – buttons to select the minute. For 8:15am, set the minute to 15 and then
press Enter to confirm the setting.
After you have set the time, you will set the days of the week for the color change.
3. Use the + and – buttons to scroll through the days. A flashing triangle indicates the day
that is currently selected. The + button moves your selection from right to left and the –
button moves your selection from left to right. Press the Back button to toggle each day
on or off.