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M5x12 screw
(qty 4)
M5x12 screw
(qty 4)
Byrne Power block
(qty 1)
Dekko Power block
(qty 1)
Byrne Duplex
(2 each, per side of Power Block)
Dekko Duplex
(2 each, per side of Power Block)
Byrne Faceplate*
(qty 1)
*Byrne Faceplates are marked on the back with a “B”
*Dekko Faceplates are marked on the back with a “D”
Dekko Faceplate*
(qty 1)
Blank Faceplate
(qty 1)
Blank Faceplate
(qty 1)
Byrne Bracket
(qty 1)
Step 2
You will notice that the Jumpers and Power blocks
have a “curved edge” towards the bottom side indi-
cating orientation for connection. Make sure these are
With the Power block and Bracket assembly in the
orientation shown, and still outside of the Rail, con-
nect a Jumper to one end.
Pull back on each cable after connection to Power
block to ensure they are completely locked in place.
There are two Jumper connection points on each
end of the Power block. You can use either one or
both as needed per your configuration. Connect the
Jumper(s) to the other end of the Power block. With
short Rails, it may help to slide one of the Rail exten
sions out a bit to give yourself more room.
Step 1
Slide the Byrne Bracket onto the bottom of the By-
rne Power block in the orientation shown so that the
Bracket “tabs” slide into the “undercuts” on each end
of the Power block.
You should here a “click” when the Bracket is com-
pletely in place and centered underneath the Power
These instructions will cover the installation of Byrne components. Dekko component installation
is similar but the Bracket is replaced with four L-brackets that are pre-installed on the Dekko Power block.
curved edge
Parts needed for this part of the assembly
Installing Power Components
Byrne assembly
Dekko assembly