Linking your Spotter remote with Voltek NS
• Turn on both devices.
• Press and hold the link button on both devices for approximately 3 seconds. The link light will
flash blue (green on Voltek NS).
• While the link buttons are flashing on both devices, hold the Spotter over the Voltek NS with
the top facing down. After about 10 seconds, both devices will beep and the link lights will
turn green. The devices are now linked and communicating with each other. (If you do not do
this within approximately 30 seconds, the link procedure will be canceled and the link buttons
will stop flashing.
• Once devices are linked, they remember the link, even after powering off.
• Once the devices are linked the Voltek NS may be operated with or without the Spotter.
Operating the Voltek NS with or without the Spotter
• Voltek NS on, Spotter off: the Voltek NS will operate normally. If no wireless devices are
active, the Link button will be red.
• Voltek NS on, turn Spotter on: The Voltek NS will beep once and the Link button will turn
green. The devices wil begin communicating.
• Voltek NS on, turn Spotter off: The Voltek NS will alert the operator with a beep once every
30 seconds and the Link button will flash red/green while the Voltek NS continues to operate.
Press the Link button on the Voltek NS to stop the alert. If no wireless devices are active, the
Link button will turn red.
Understanding the Spotter Link Status Button:
• The Spotter links to one Voltek NS device at a time. Linking to a new Voltek NS causes the
previously established link to be forgotten.
• Good signal: Normal operation
• Link button is green, flashes when sending/receiving data
• Able to receive meter and status data from Voltek NS
• Able to transmit button presses to Voltek NS
• Weak signal: Unable to control Voltek NS, but still able to see Voltek NS status.
• Link button is flashing yellow
• Single beep to warn operator
• Able to receive meter and status data from Voltek NS
• Failed to transmit button presses to Voltek NS due to poor signal.
• No signal: Unable to operate
Spotter System Overview and operation:
Voltek NS User Guide
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