RP901 User Manual
Chapter 2 –Configuration General
2.1 Entering Configuration Mode
Under normal circumstances, the RP901 enters the Normal Operation Mode
upon power-up. The following steps will switch the RP901 to Configuration
Mode and connect it to the Host PC’s RFID Utility.
Step 1:
Use a micro USB cable and connect the RP901 to the Host PC.
Step 2:
Press and hold RP901’s Function button first without releasing, then press and
hold the Trigger button. After pressing both buttons for about 5 seconds, the
RP901 will emit two short beeps, turn on Green LED indicator, and enter
Configuration Mode. At the same time it will switch its Communication
Interface to USB Virtual COM.
Step 3:
Check the Host PC’s Device Manager window to see if the USB Virtual COM
device has been detected.
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