Unitech Electronics Co., Ltd.
by Ling
PA968 Operation
Page 14 of 117
2. Check “Enable Virtual Keys Applet”. Tap “Set”. Tap OK.
3. Open MS WordPad and test alpha keys. Press “alpha” key and press
numeric key. The characters output as alpha keys.
4. Uncheck “Enable Virtual Keys Applet”. Tap “Set”. Tap OK.
5. Press “alpha” key and press numeric key. The characters output as
non-alpha keys.
6. In “Virtual keys”, enter the time delay for “Delay To Send Key”. Characters
will be output in the speed as defined.
7. In “Virtual keys”, check “Enable Auto Enter”.
8. Define a value for “Auto Enter Timeout”. Tap “Set”. Tap OK.
9. In MS WordPad, turn to alpha mode. Press and hold a key. The alpha
characters are highlighted in a loop. Release the key. The character, which
was focused on will be printed after a period of time, according to the auto
enter timeout defined.
10. Tap “Load” to load the previous setting.