MSI Code - Barcode length - Length mode - L1, L2, L3 as fixed length
MSI Code - Barcode length - Length mode - L1 as min, L2 as max
Set length L1, L2 and L3
Set barcode length L1, L2 and L3 according to the barcode length mode used.
- The Multicode function is used configure the scanner to read a series of bar
codes and then transmit them all at once.
- Follow these steps to setup the Multicode function:
1. Activate the Multicode function.
2. Select the number of bar codes to be included the Multicode.
3. Define which bar codes are part of the Multicode by specifying the bar code
ID, length, and/or mask.
4. Define a separator to be used between bar codes.
5. Define the Multicode transmission parameters.
6.Define symbology identifiers for each type of transmission (if wanted).
- Only available with models equipped with an area imager.
Multicode - Activation - Disable (*)