Blade server controls and LEDs
Use this information for details about the controls and LEDs on the blade server.
The following illustration identifies the buttons and information LEDs on the
blade-server control panel.
Power-on LED:
This green LED indicates the power status of the blade server in
the following manner:
Flashing rapidly: While the service processor in the blade server is initializing
and synchronizing with the management module, the power-on LED flashes
rapidly, and the power-control button on the blade server does not respond. This
process can take approximately two minutes after the blade server has been
installed. If the LED continues to flash rapidly, the blade server might not have
power permissions assigned to it through the Advanced Management Module,
the Model 5230R unit does not have enough power to turn on the blade server,
or the service processor (IMM) on the blade server is not communicating with
the Advanced Management Module.
Flashing slowly: The blade server has power supplied and is ready to be turned
Lit continuously: The blade server has power and is turned on.
Activity LED:
When this green LED is lit, it indicates that there is activity on the
external storage device or network.
Location LED:
The system administrator can remotely turn on this blue LED to aid
in visually locating the blade server. When this LED is lit, the location LED on the
Model 5230R unit is also lit. The location LED can be turned off through the
Advanced-Management-Module Web interface. For more information about the
Advanced-Management-Module Web interface, see the
ES5000 Model 5230 R G1
and Model 5400B G1
page on the Unisys Support site (www.support.unisys.com).
Information LED:
When this amber LED is lit, it indicates that information about a
system event in the blade server has been placed in the Advanced-Management-
Module event log. The information LED can be turned off through the
Advanced-Management-Module CLI, SNMP, or Web interface. For more
information about the Advanced-Management-Module Web interface, see the
ES5000 Model 5230 R G1 and Model 5400B G1
page on the Unisys Support site
Chapter 2. Introduction