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7.4 Connecting the sensors
The connection of a sensor is different for a channel with and without built-in amplifier.
Channel with built-in amplifier
The sensor is connected directly to the bulk head connector on the pressure housing using
the In situ Connector. See the separate manual for mounting a sensor in the In Situ
Channel with external in situ amplifier
The sensor is connected to a Microsensor In Situ Amplifier which is connected to the
bulkhead connector on the pressure housing. The sensor needs to be mounted on an In Situ
Connector which is then connected to the In Situ Amplifier. See separate manuals for this:
Note: Most microsensors require some time to stabilize after being connected. Consult the
manual or each sensor type for more information. To shorten the time needed after
mounting the sensor on the FDL Mini, the sensors may be connected to another meter, e.g.
a Unisense Multimeter, for a few hours before being mounted on the FDL Mini.
7.5 Downloading data to PC
Connect the FDL Mini to a Windows PC and start the Unisense Logger software. The
instrument with all its channels should now be displayed.
File - Import from instrument
Select the relevant file in the dialog box