8 & 16 Channel DVR Operation manual Revision 1.0
3.2.6 Record
User will choose recording mode channel by channel and selectable parameters and
meaning are below.
Manual recording function that starts record and/or stop recording manually
by pushing REC key on remote controller or on front key.
Continuous recording mode that starts to recording automatically after turning
on the systems.
Start to record under motion detection. Under Motion, it starts pre-alarm
recording around 2 or 3 second and maintains it until no of motion event. Post-alarm recording
will be controlled at Post alarm recording time on Event Setup Menu. (Refer to paragraph 3.3.4)
Start to record under sensor input. As same as motion mode, it starts pre alarm
recording around 2 or 3 second and maintain it until no of sensor input. Post-alarm recording
will be controlled at Post alarm recording time on Event Setup Menu. (Refer to paragraph 3.3.4)
Start to recording under motion detection or Sensor occurrence. The
detailed will be referred to previous motion detection & sensor occurrence.
This mode supply user defined time and date schedule recording in
advance detailed recording schedule will be referred to paragraph 3.2.7 record schedule.
Record Schedule Setup
Figure. 3-9
Recording schedule setting screen