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Copyright 2017 Unifire
Factory Configuration
The SUPERVISOR I module is shipped factory configured for the end-user application. Configuration
parameters are detailed below. The Unifire engineering team will assist in the correct configuration of
the module for the end user appliance. The flexibility offered by the module configuration permits the
use of SUPERVISOR I on numerous end-user industrial fired appliances.
Pilot Mode of Operation [Continuous/Interrupted]
Both interrupted and continuous pilot is supported. Interrupted pilot will de-energize the DO1 output on
detection of a main flame and maintain the de-energized state if the main trial for ignition is successful.
Direct Ignition [Enable/Disable]
Using only the DO1 output the system can support direct ignition of the main burner. In this
configuration the pilot trial for ignition timings will adopt the settings for the main burner and the main
flame detection source shall be used. When configured for direct ignition the pilot mode of operation is
Purge Duration [0:1:1800seconds]
Prior to commencing the trial for ignition a preconfigured purge shall be executed during which time all
outputs are maintained in the de-energized state. A maximum purge time of 30 minutes is supported.
Pilot Flame Detection Source [TC/FR/DI3]
If not configured for direct ignition the input to use for the pilot flame safeguard is selected from the
TC/thermocouple, FR/Flame Rod or DI3/Flame Scanner inputs.
Pilot Trial for Ignition Duration (PTFI) [0:1:15 seconds]
Up to 15 seconds may be configured for pilot trial for ignition. This time should be selected to meet the
requirements of the governing codes in the end users jurisdiction. On completion of purge the IGN
output shall be energized for a period of time up to a maximum of the PTFI. During this time the pilot
flame detection source (or main if configured for direct ignition) shall be monitored. The IGN output
shall de-energize on detection of a flame to allow detection of flame stability and energizing of the
status (DO2, DO3) outputs.
Pilot Stabilization Period [0:1:10 seconds]
On detection of a flame an additional timer is ran to ensure pilot flame stability prior to energizing
status outputs DO2 and DO3.
Main Flame Detection Source [TC/FR/DI3]
If configured for Interrupted pilot or direct ignition the source of the main flame detection must be
configured to use either the TC/Thermocouple, FR/Flame Rod or DI3/Flame Scanner input. For systems
configured with a continuous pilot a main flame detection source may also be configured. When
configured a main trial for ignition period is executed during which time the main flame detection
source must be proven. For direct ignition systems DO1 will de-energize when main flame is lost, on
continuous and interrupted systems the DO2 and DO3 outputs will de-energize when the main flame is