The Handset Setup Menu
You have to change these settings separately for each cordless handset.
Turn on T-coil mode to reduce noise on certain hearing
aids (see "Do you use a T-Coil hearing aid?" on page 30).
Ringer Tones
Choose one of two melodies or five tones for the
handset's main ring tone. As you highlight each ring
tone, the phone plays a sample of the tone. When you
hear the tone you want, press
Personal Ring
Turn on the personal ring feature. If you have Caller ID,
this feature lets you assign special ring tones to anyone
in your phonebook, and your phone uses the special
ring tone when that person calls.
Turn on Auto Talk so you can answer the phone just
by picking up the handset from the cradle (without to
pressing any buttons).
Any Key Answer
Turn on Any Key Answer so you can answer the phone
by pressing any key on the twelve-key dial pad.
Change the name used on the handset's display.
Key Touch Tone
Have your keypad sound a tone when you press a key.
LCD Contrast
Change the contrast of the display to make it easier to
read. Choose one of ten different levels of contrast.
TTS On/Off
Turn on the Text-To-Speech (TTS) feature (see page 23).
The Base Setup Menu
These settings apply only to the base. These options work the same as
Handset Setup
menu options with the same name.
Ringer Tones
Choose one of four ring tones for the base. As you highlight
each ring tone, the base plays a sample of the tone. When
you hear the tone you want, press
Key Touch Tone
Have the keypad sound a tone when you press a key.
LCD Contrast
Change the contrast of the display to make it easier to read.
Choose one of ten different levels of contrast.
TTS On/Off
Turn on the Text-To-Speech (TTS) feature (see page 23).
Factory Reset
Use this option if you select the wrong country when
you set up the base (see page 3). If you select
, the
base clears its country setting and
Select Country
will appear. All setup information will be reset, and the
phonebook, CID and redial lists will be cleared.
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