Manual – Neon 2000 Family NRT & NRM
Unidata Manual - Neon 2000 Family Remote Terminals and Modules Issue 4.0.docx
Page 17
The screen shots below indicate some of the parameters which can be checked using
Starlog version 4 support software using the communications window.
Press “C” to enter communications window and then press “S” to select signal mode. A
number of parameters are displayed.
The parameter RSSI is an indicator of signal strength from the Satellite.
You may need to leave the NRT/NRM satellite for 10 minutes for the Satellite modem to
acquire one of the satellites and report the RSSI signal strength reading.
The reading needs to be 3 or above, typically 4, maximum of 5.
When the Globalstar modem is receiving satellite transmission then exit the menu system
by pressing escape and then re enter the menu system again, selecting S for setup, and
then I for Initialise ( INIT).
Then wait until you receive a pass message on the laptop screen indicating the
initialization was successful. The Unit will now have its scheme loaded and the test mode
screen can then be accessed using Starlog Version 4.