Manual – Neon 2000 Family NRT & NRM
Unidata Manual - Neon 2000 Family Remote Terminals and Modules Issue 4.0.docx
Page 16
The NRT/NRM Satellite has an internal Globalstar/ Qualcomm Satellite modem
specifically for use on the Globalstar Satellite system. You will need to contact Globalstar
in your region and set up an account for use of the Globalstar service.
The Globalstar regional office will require the Electronic Serial Number of the modem and
may need to have the modem set up for the regional operating parameters Once the
Globalstar modem has been registered with Globalstar and the account has been set up
and the Electronic Serial number registered it is ready for use.
Attach receive and transmit antenna cables taking care not to bend / distort them to the
Globalstar satellite Modem. Note the antenna is an active one and is clearly marked with
TX and RX as are the cables. If you mix up the TX and RX cables you can damage the
antenna and modem, so take great care to check this.
NRT/NRM Satellite Site Installation
Take the complete NRT/NRM Satellite unit out of the building and set it up with a laptop
computer where there is a clear view of the sky. The installation site needs to be selected
to give the best unobstructed view of the sky as possible with a minimum of trees /
buildings restricting the clear view of the sky.
The Globalstar satellites cross from one horizon to the other horizon in approximately 20
minutes, assuming a coverage view of the sky of 160 degrees, i.e. 80 degrees each side
of the vertical.
If you only have an 80 degree view of the sky, i.e. 40 degree look angle from the vertical,
you may not see satellites for some time. Also you will only see a passing satellite for half
the horizon to horizon transit time, so you will only be able to see that particular satellite
for 10 minutes. These important factors need to be considered when installing the
NRT/NRM Satellite.
NRT/NRM Satellite Communications Parameters
Setting up the NRT/NRM communications parameters, in particular the NRT/NRM retry
time also needs careful consideration based on the NRT/NRM Satellite installation site.
In a clear field on an open plain without trees or buildings you should always have a few
satellites in view and the satellite you use will be available on the same transit for 20
minutes, and you should pick up a satellite very quickly, hence a long NRT/NRM
communications retry interval, and only 2 or 3 retries would be more appropriate.
In a valley, with some trees, or in a built up area, with a restricted view of the sky you will
have limited views of the satellite and for much shorter periods and you should expect to
be waiting a long time before you have a satellite in view, hence a short NRT/NRM
communications retry interval, and 10 or more retries would be more appropriate.
Installation Location and Coverage
The Globalstar.com website has tools, e.g. the Location Prediction Tool, available to
determine coverage in various regions