SALSA Mobile Standing Transfer Hoist Instruction & Safety Manual
08 9351 7500
Assembly Instructions
All the ALLEGRO range of patient lifting and transfer hoists are fully assembled,
load tested and certifi ed at the factory before being partially dismantled for packing
and shipping.
Use the instructions below as a guide to assemble your SALSA standing hoist.
1. Remove lifter components from protective packing and lay out on a smooth surface to prevent
damage to powder coating on lifter sub assemblies.
2. Remove mast/leg chassis weldment and slide one leg into receiver clevis. Align bolt holes, push
bolt through clevis and leg bush. Thread nylock nut onto bolt on the under side of leg and tighten.
Ensure thread engages nylon locking ring of nut.
3. Repeat process 2. for second leg.
4. Attach leg adjuster tie rod ends to each leg and tighten each nylock nut.
5. Attach lift actuator to lifting arm assembly by aligning actuator clevis with actuator mount bracket.
Insert bolt and tighten nylock nut.
6. Attach push handle assembly with hex bolts and washers supplied with handle assembly.
7. Attach Linak control box to mount plate with M5 hex bolt, then attach clip on battery pack.
8. Plug the lift actuator cable into port 1 and the leg adjust cable into port 2 of the control box. Both
ports are located on the underside of the control box. (diagram 1)
Ensure both plugs are pushed in fi rmly into their respective sockets.
10. Locate handset and push into handset socket ensuring alignment of tongue of plug with keyway
of socket. Push home fi rmly. A smear of Vaseline on the O ring may assist if plug is tight Check
operation of the SALSA via handset, ensuring that the RED EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON ON
THE CONTROL BOX IS RELEASED. Turn the knob – turn clockwise to release.