User’s operating instructions
Inspection and services, correctly made and
at regular intervals, as well as the use of ori-
ginal spare part, are very important for a
proper, trouble free operation and for the long
lasting of the appliance.
If inspections and maintenance are not re-
gularly performed it can result in material
and personal injuries, for which the manu-
facturer cannot be considered responsible.
For this reason we recommend to stipulate a service contract
with an authorised Unical Service Center.
The inspection helps in determining the actual state of an
appliance and in comparying it with the optimal state. This
happens through measurements, controls and observation.
For a better operation of your appliance in the section 4.3 the
suggested maintenance operations are suggested.
Remove the front casing of the appliance.
Once all the service works have been done, perform always
the following operations:
Open the cold water inlet cock (if previously closed).
Open the gas gate valve.
Ascertainn the gas and water soundness of the piping.
Refit the casing front panel.
Table - Anomalies prospect
Instructions for inspection and main-
In order to assure for long time the correct operation of
your appliance without altering the working conditions of
your standard product, only original Unical spare parts
have to be used.
Before proceeding with the maintenance operations, follow
strictly the following operations:
Close the gas gate valve upstream the appliance.
If necessary, and depending on the intervention to be done,
close the cold water inlet tap.
Remove the front casin of the appliance.
Once all the service works have been done, perform always
the following operations:
Open the cold water inlet cock (if previously closed).
Open the gas gate valve.
Ascertainn the gas and water soundness of the piping.
Refit the casing front panel.