Instruction for the installer
The appliance has to be installed in a convenient room in
conformity with the rules in force, and particularly:
The appliance
is of open combustion chamber
type and therefore it must be connected to a chimney.
The combustion air is taken directly from the room in
which the appliance is installed.
The installation room can be directly ventilated (i.e: the air is
taken directly from the outside) or indirectly ventilated (in this
case the combustion air is taken from the adjacent rooms),
provided the following conditions are complied with:
Direct ventilation:
- The room has to have a ventilation opening of, at least, 6
cm² /kW of installed input (see input table on par. 2.5) and,
in no case, lower than 100 cm² and made directly onto an
external wall.
- The opening has to be as close as possible to the floor.
- It should not be possible to close it and it should be protected
with a grate not reducing its usefull ventilation section.
- A correct ventilation can be optained also through the
addition of more openings, provided the addition of the
different sections is not less than that really needed.
- In case it is not possible to make a ventilation opening close
to the floor, it will be necessary to increase its usefull section
of at least 50%.
- If an open fire is present in the same room it needs an
indipendent air supply, otherwise the installation of a type
B appliance is not permitted.
- If in the room there are other devices which need air for
their operation (e.g. a wall exhauster) the section of the
ventilation opening has to be the properly sized.
Indirect ventilation
In case it is not possible to make a room ventilation opening
on an external wall, it is possible to have an indirect
ventilation, sucking the air from an adjacent room, making
an opening in the lowest part of a door.
This solution is possible only if:
- The adjacent room is not a bed room
- The adjacent room is not a common part of the building
and is not a room with fire danger (e.g. a fuel deposit, a
garage, etc..).
Connection to the chimney
A good chimney is very important for the correct functioning
of the boiler; it must therefore conform with the following
- it must be made from waterproof material and be resistant
at the temperature of the flue gas and relative condensate;
- it must have sufficient mechanical strength and low
thermal conductivity;
- it must be perfectly sealed to prevent cooling due to
parasite air inlets;
- it must be as vertical as possible and the end section
must have a chimney cap which guarantees efficient and
constant evacuation of the combustion products;
- the chimney must have a diameter not smaller than that of
the boiler’s draught diverter; for chimneys with a square or
rectangular section, the internal section must be 10% larger
than the section of the connection duct to the draught
- starting from the draught diverter, the duct must have a
vertical section with a length more than twice the diameter,
before getting into the chimney.
Direct emission into the atmosphere
Natural draught boilers can discharge combustion products
directly into the atmosphere using a duct, which goes
through the outside walls of the building, connected to a
flue exhaust terminal.
The exhaust duct must also comply with the following
- the sub-horizontal part inside the building must be as
short as possible (no more than 1 m);
- for appliances with vertical discharge, such as boilers
, there must be no more than 2 direction
- it must receive the discharge from a single appliance;
- the part going through the wall must be protected by a
sheath duct; the part of the sheath duct facing the inside
of the building must be sealed and the part facing
outwards must be open;
- the final section, on which the draught terminal will be
fixed, must protrude from the wall of the building for a
length of at least twice the diameter of the duct;
- the draught terminal must overlap the connection to the
boiler by at least 1.5 m (see following figure).