Notification ringtone:
Set notification ringtone of
the telephone.
Tone Set
Audible touch tones:
Enable/Disable. After
enabling the function, when you use a dialing
keyboard it can play sound.
Audible selection:
Enable/Disable. After enabling
the function, when you select the screen it can play
Screen Saver Set
Enable screen saver:
Enable/Disable. After
enabling this function, the LCD screen will be the
state of the screen saver mode after the specified
Screen saver timeout:
Input the waiting time after
enabling the screen saver mode, the default unit is
Screen saver mode
: There are three types of
screen saver ("Close LCD", "Album" and "Clock")
for you to choose.
Prohibit operation period
: Set prohibit operation
period and other related parameters.
Hibernate Set
Enable hibernate
: Enable/Disable. After enabling
this function, the LCD screen will be the state of
the hibernate mode after the specified time.
Hibernate timeout
: Input the waiting time after
enabling the hibernate mode, the default unit is
Display Set
: Set the window animation mode, there
are three kinds of mode ("No animations", "Some
animations" and "All animations") for you to
: Regulate brightness of screen display.
U Disk notifications
Enable/Disable. After enabling, it will play the
corresponding notification alert tone when you
install and uninstall the U-Disk.
1. If you enable hibernation and screen saver at the same time, the phone
will first enter the screen saver, Then enter the state of dormancy.
2. To introduce the Screen saver prohibit operation period parameters.
Use screen saver prohibit operation period:
If enabled, screen saver will not take effect at the specified time, it will close
LCD directly.
The first period start time:
Set the first period start time.
The first period end time:
Set the first period end time.
The second period start time:
Set the second period start time.