What happens when I’m out of the range of my WiFi?
Your speaker will lose its connection and the stream will stop. You will also hear a
tone to indicate you’ve lost the connection.
Reconnect to an existing network
Your speaker will reconnect to the last WiFi network it connected to.
Connect to multiple WiFi networks
Your speaker will remember up to four WiFi networks, and will only reconnect to
the last one it connected to.
Troubleshooting WiFi issues
Basic Troubleshooting Steps
Place your speaker closer to the router — it could be out of your WiFi
network’s range
Move your router and speaker away from other wireless signals (ex.
Microwaves, cordless phones) — you could be experiencing interference.
Make sure your router and speaker aren’t in an enclosed area, such as a
cabinet — this may weaken wireless signal strength.
Turn both your speaker and wireless router Off, then back on again.
Advanced Troubleshooting Steps
NOTE: For the following, you may need to access your router or network device’s
setup pages. See your router’s documentation if you need help.
Make sure you’re entering the correct network information (ex. SSID
(wireless network name and encryption password) during setup.