Although the heat of the heated bed already ensures the adhesion of your print to the glass plate, this is not always
enough. For even better adhesion, in some cases it is desired to use glue on the glass plate as well.
The use of glue depends on the material you are using and the size and shape of the model.
For ABS and CPE, we recommend always using glue, because these materials have more “warping”. This means that
the plastic will curl up. Warping basically happens because of the properties of the plastic. Plastics have the tendency to
shrink when cooling down fast (some plastics more than others), which could eventually lead to your print curling up at
the corners. Since ABS and CPE have a relatively big shrinkage, you will need glue to prevent it from warping.
PLA on the other hand, has a much lower shrinkage and thus less warping. Because of this, it’s often possible to print
PLA directly on the glass plate, without glue. In this case you need to make sure that the glass plate is completely free
from dust and oil though, because plastic won’t stick well to a greasy surface. There are however situations in which
glue on the glass plate is desired. If you want to print a model that has a big footprint, or with very thin parts at the
bottom it’s advised to use glue to prevent it from getting loose.
The glue stick that was delivered with your Ultimaker 2+ can be used for the glass plate. To use glue, simply put a thin,
even layer on the glass plate. It is only necessary to apply glue to the print area.
To better distribute the glue over the platform, you can use a damp cloth. This way a very thin layer of glue will
be left on the glass plate.