fIelD WIrIng MuST be rATeD 75°C MInIIMuM. for AMbIenT
TeMPerATureS beloW -10°C, uSe SuITAble fIelD WIrIng.
DISConneCT All SuPPlY CIrCuITS before WIrIng unIT.
WIre unITS ACCorDIng To nATIonAl AnD loCAl eleCTrI-
CAl CoDeS. MAxIMuM reCoMMenDeD WIre SIze IS 14 AWg.
THe reCoMMenDeD TIgHTenIng Torque for fIelD WIrIng
TerMInAlS IS 7 To 17 In-lbS.
eleCTrICAl rATIngS STATeD In lITerATure AnD on nAMe-
PlATeS MuST noT be exCeeDeD—overloAD on A SWITCH
CAn CAuSe fAIlure on THe fIrST CYCle.
To PrevenT SeIzure of enCloSure Cover, Do noT
reMove lubrICAnT. THreADS SHoulD AlSo be free of
DIrT, eTC.
THe exTernAl grounDIng TerMInAl IS noT To be uSeD
AS THe PrIMArY equIPMenT grounDIng TerMInAl. THe
InTernAl grounDIng TerMInAl SHAll be uSeD AS THe
PrIMArY equIPMenT grounDIng MeAnS AnD THe exTernAl
grounDIng TerMInAl IS onlY for A SuPPleMenTAl (SeConDArY)
grounDIng ConneCTIon WHere loCAl AuTHorITIeS PerMIT or
requIre SuCH A ConneCTIon.
remove cover and wire control (See figure 3). replace cover and
hand tighten to fully engage cover o-ring.
Types J120, J120K, H121, H121K, H122, H122K, H122P
Mount controls vertically (pressure connection facing down, see figure
1a) or horizontally (see figure 1b). Control may be surface mounted via
the four 1/4” screw holes on the enclosure or mounting bracket. It can
also be mounted directly to a rigid pipe using the pressure connection.
Controls with Breather Drain (Option M450)
Type J120, J120K Models 455-559
Mount with breather drain facing down (See figure 1b). The conduit
connection must be “potted” for this type of installation.
Types H121, H122 & H122P, All Models
Mount in vertical position with pressure assembly and breather drain
facing down (See figure 1a).
Differential Pressure Types J120K, H121K, H122K
Opposed Sensor Models 36-39, (S)147(B)-(S)157(B), 367
“opposed sensor” differential pressure switches should be mounted
with their pressure connection in the horizontal position (See figure 2).
This will properly orient the 1/4” nPT venting conduit at the bottom of
the third compartment (standardly supplied with plastic plug).
Figure 2
Opposed Sensor Models
Figure 1b
J120, J120K
Figure 1a:
H121, H121K, H122, H122K, H122P
Figure 3
use 75°C copper
conductors only.
tightening torque for
field wiring terminals
is 7-17 in-lbs.
Figure 4a