UE 120 Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1



120 Series

Explosion-Proof Pressure and

Differential Pressure Switches 



J120, J120K, H121, H121K, H122, 

H122K, H122P

U N I T E D   E L E C T R I C 


Installation and Maintenance 



which  convert  the  pressure  signal  into  an  electrical  signal.    Control 

set  point(s)  may  be  varied  by  turning  the  internal  adjustment  hex 

(J120 models) or the external knob and pointer(s) (H121, H122, H122P 

models) according to the procedures outlined.

Please refer to product bulletin for product specifications.   Product 

bulletins may be found at www.ueonline.com.

Date code format on nameplate is “YYWW” for year and week.

Part I -Installation

Tools Needed

–Screwdriver/Adjustable Wrench to 1-1/2”


THe  ConneCTIon  of  THe  DevICe  SHAll  be  MADe  bY 

CAble  enTrIeS  or  A  SToPPIng  box  CerTIfIeD  In  TYPe 

of  exPloSIon  ProTeCTIon  flAMeProof  enCloSure  ‘d,’ 

SuITAble for THe ConDITIonS of uSe AnD CorreCTlY InSTAlleD.  

THeSe  ACCeSSorIeS  SHAll  be  THreADeD  InTo  THe  relevAnT 

oPenIng(S)  of  THe  DevICe,  WITH  AT  leAST  5  THreADS  engAgeD 

AnD WITH AT leAST 8 mm lengTH of THreAD engAgeMenT.  THeSe 

ACCeSSorIeS Are noT InCluDeD WITHIn THe DevICe’S HAzArDouS 


To  PrevenT  IgnITIon,  SeAl  All ConDuIT  runS  WITHIn  18 

InCHeS of enCloSure.

AlWAYS  HolD  A  WrenCH  on  THe  PreSSure  HouSIng  Hex 

WHen  MounTIng  unIT.    Do  noT  TIgHTen  bY  TurnIng 

enCloSure.  THIS WIll DAMAge SenSor AnD WeAken    

            SolDer or WelDeD JoInTS.

InSTAll unITS WHere SHoCk, vIbrATIon AnD TeMPerATure 

fluCTuATIonS  Are  MInIMAl.  MounT  unIT  To  PrevenT 

MoISTure  froM  enTerIng  THe  enCloSure.    IT  IS 

IMPerATIve  To  uSe  ProPerlY  rATeD  exPloSIon-Proof  SeAlIng 

fITTIngS  for  eleCTrICAl  WIre  enTrY.    Do  noT  MounT  unIT 

In  AMbIenT  TeMPerATureS  THAT  exCeeD  THe  lIMITS  on  THe 

nAMePlATe for THe APProPrIATe AreA.

J120  enCloSureS  Are  ProvIDeD  WITH  TWo  3/4”  nPT 

eleCTrICAl ConDuIT oPenIngS, eITHer of WHICH or boTH 

CAn  be  uSeD  DurIng  InSTAllATIon.    A  3/4”  exPloSIon 

Proof  Plug  IS  ProvIDeD  for  ProPerlY  SeAlIng  THe  unuSeD 

ConDuIT  oPenIng.    THe  exPloSIon  Proof  Plug  MuST  be 

ProPerlY SeAleD DurIng ProDuCT InSTAllATIon.


MISuSe  of  THIS  ProDuCT  MAY  CAuSe  exPloSIon  AnD 

PerSonAl  InJurY.    THeSe  InSTruCTIonS  MuST  be 

THorougHlY reAD AnD unDerSTooD before unIT IS    


THIS equIPMenT IS SuITAble for uSe In ClASS I, DIvISIon 

1,  grouPS  b,  C  AnD  D;  ClASS  II,  DIvISIon  1,  grouPS  e,  f 

AnD g; ClASS III; or non-HAzArDouS loCATIonS onlY.     

            enCloSure TYPe 4x.

THIS  equIPMenT  IS  ATex  CerTIfIeD  for  equIPMenT 

CATegorY 2.  SuITAble for APProPrIATe uSe In gAS zone 

1 & DuST zone 21 APPlICATIonS.


0539 DeMko 09 ATex 0815573x


II 2 g ex d IIC T6


II 2 D ex tD A21 IP66 T+ 85°C


-40°C ≤ Tamb. ≤ + 75°C

before InSTAllIng, CHeCk THe SenSor MoDel SeleCTeD 

for  CoMPATIbIlITY  To  THe  ProCeSS  MeDIA  In  ConTACT 


Proof PreSSure* lIMITS STATeD In THe lITerATure AnD 

on  nAMePlATeS  MuST  never  be  exCeeDeD,  even  bY 

SurgeS In THe SYSTeM.  oCCASIonAl oPerATIon of unIT 

uP To MAxIMuM PreSSure IS ACCePTAble (e.g., STArT-uP, TeSTIng).  

ConTInuouS  oPerATIon  SHoulD  noT  exCeeD  THe  DeSIgnATeD 

over rAnge PreSSure.

*Proof Pressure:  The maximum pressure to which a pressure sensor 

may be occasionally subjected, which causes no permanent damage 

(e.g.,  start-up testing).   The  unit  may require re-gapping.  (See  Part 

II- Adjustments)

THeSe  ProDuCTS  Do  noT  HAve  AnY  fIelD  rePlACeAble 

PArTS.  AnY  SubSTITuTIon  of  CoMPonenTS  MAY  IMPAIr 

SuITAbIlITY for ClASS I, DIvISIon 1.

To  PrevenT  IgnITIon  of  HAzArDouS  ATMoSPHereS, 

DISConneCT  SuPPlY  CIrCuITS  before  oPenIng.    keeP 

Cover TIgHT WHIle CIrCuITS AlIve.

The  120  Series  pressure  and  differential  pressure  switches  are 

actuated  when  a  bellows,  diaphragm  or  piston  sensor  responds  to 

a pressure change.  This response at a pre-determined set point(s) 

actuates  a  SPDT,  DPDT  or  dual  SPDT  snap-acting  microswitch(es), 

Please read all instructional literature carefully and thoroughly before starting.  Refer to the final page for the listing of Recommended 
Practices, Liabilities and Warranties.

Содержание 120 Series

Страница 1: ... or both can be used during installation A 3 4 explosion proof plug is provided for properly sealing the unused conduit opening thE explosion proof plug must be properly sealed during product installation GENERAL Misuse of this product may cause explosion and personal injury These instructions must be thoroughly read and understood before unit is installed This equipment is suitable for use in Cla...

Страница 2: ... engage cover O ring Types J120 J120K H121 H121K H122 H122K H122P Mount controls vertically pressure connection facing down see Figure 1a or horizontally see Figure 1b Control may be surface mounted via the four 1 4 screw holes on the enclosure or mounting bracket It can also be mounted directly to a rigid pipe using the pressure connection Controls with Breather Drain Option M450 Type J120 J120K ...

Страница 3: ...ront switch is set by turning the internal calibrating screw to the right for lower set point and turning to the left for higher set point When not set together the front switch should never be set higher than the rear switch Turning the external knob will increase or decrease both switch settings simultaneously without disturbing their relationship Controls with Options Option 1519 and other mode...

Страница 4: ...71 174 521 525 531 535 and 540 548 Turn hex IN an additional 1 1 2 flats from this point This will provide a 5 9 mil gap Models 680 701 705 356 376 612 616 270 274 Turn hex IN 3 flats from this point approximately 1 2 turn This will provide a 14 16 mil gap Models 183 189 190 194 483 489 490 494 565 567 Turn hex IN 1 flat from this point This will provide a 4 7 mil gap CONTACT FACTORY FOR ASSISTANC...

Страница 5: ...35 0 1 2 530 535 8 84 224 5 1 2 550 552 8 81 223 8 1 4 551 553 555 8 34 211 8 1 4 560 564 7 53 191 3 2 Sanitary 565 567 7 53 191 3 1 1 2 Sanitary 612 616 7 88 200 2 1 4 680 8 13 206 5 1 4 701 705 15622 15834 15839 7 44 189 0 1 4 Differential Pressure 36 39 147 157 367 7 59 192 8 1 4 S147B S157B 7 59 192 8 1 2 455 457 559 8 44 214 4 1 4 540 543 9 34 237 2 1 8 544 548 9 41 239 0 1 8 Types H121 H122 ...

Страница 6: ...sonnel For all applications a factory set unit should be tested before use Electrical ratings stated in literature and on nameplate must not be exceeded Overload on a switch can cause damage even on the first cycle Wire unit according to local and national electrical codes using wire size recommended in installation sheet Do not mount unit in ambient temp exceeding published limits LIMITED WARRANT...
