NORA-B1 series - System integration manual
UBX-20027617 - R02
Flashing open CPU software
Page 20 of 58
Flashing open CPU software
Both the application and network cores of the NORA-B1 modules are flashed over a common SWD
SWD flashing
A SEGGER J-Link programmer is required to program the NORA-B1 module flash over the SWD port.
The EVK-NORA-B10x evaluation kit includes a J-LINK-OB that is used to program and debug
the on-board NORA-B1 as well as the target hardware for ANNA-B1, BMD-3, NINA-B1,
NINA-B3, NINA-B4, and NORA-B1 modules.
SEGGER Embedded Studio can be used to interactively program and debug application core and
network core code.
At the command line, the
tool provided by the nRF Connect SDK provides a simple method of
programming both cores of the NORA-B1 module in one step. After building the project, open a
command prompt or terminal window, navigate to the build folder and enter:
west flash
An alternate method is to use the nRF Command Line Tools [20]. Open a command prompt and
execute the following commands to erase the NORA-B1:
nrfjprog -f NRF53 --coprocessor CP_NETWORK --eraseall
nrfjprog -f NRF53 --eraseall
Navigate to the build folder of the network sample and execute the following command to program
the network core:
nrfjprog -f NRF53 --coprocessor CP_NETWORK --program zephyr/zephyr.hex
Then navigate to the build folder of the application sample and enter the following command to
program the application core:
nrfjprog -f NRF53 --program zephyr/zephyr.hex
Finally, reset the NORA-B1 module with:
nrfjprog --pinreset
External SEGGER J-Link debuggers work with NORA-B1 modules.
The EVK-NORA-B1 evaluation kit incorporates an onboard debugger and can therefore be
flashed without any external debugger.
The EVK-NORA-B1 evaluation kit onboard debugger can also be used to program custom
hardware with Nordic Semiconductor-based u-blox modules during development. The
debugger is not intended for use in production environments.
Flashing the software,
Flashing the software erases the Bluetooth device address, which must be rewritten to the module
after flashing. This is done manually or with the use of a script. Ensure that you make a note of
your Bluetooth device address before continuing with the flashing procedure. See section 2.2 for
additional information.