MAX-M5Q - Hardware Integration Manual
Objective Specification
Product testing
Page 37 of 40
System sensitivity test
The best way to test the sensitivity of a GPS/GNSS device is with the use of a 1-channel GPS simulator. It assures
reliable and constant signals at every measurement.
Figure 29: 1-channel GPS simulator
u-blox recommends the following Single-Channel GPS Simulator:
Spirent GSS6100 (GPS)
Spirent GSS6300 (GPS/GLONASS)
Spirent Communications Positioning Technology
Guidelines for sensitivity tests
Connect a 1-channel GPS simulator to the OEM product
Choose the power level in a way that the “Golden Device” would report a C/No ratio of 38-40 dBHz
Power up the DUT (Device Under Test) and allow enough time for the acquisition
Read the C/No value from the NMEA GSV or the UBX-NAV-SVINFO message (e.g. with u-center)
Compare the results to a “Golden Device” or a u-blox 7 Evaluation Kit.
‘Go/No go’ tests for integrated devices
The best test is to bring the device to an outdoor position
with excellent sky view
(HDOP < 3.0). Let the
receiver acquire satellites and compare the signal strength with a “Golden Device”.
As the electro-magnetic field of a redistribution antenna is not homogenous, indoor tests are in most
cases not reliable. These kind of tests may be useful as a ‘go/no go’ test but not for sensitivity