LISA-U2 series - System integration manual
UBX-13001118 - R27
System description
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All LISA-U2 series
modules provide the additional function “SIM card hot insertion/removal” on the
pin, which can be enabled using the AT+UDCONF=50 command (for more details, see the
Last Gasp
Only the
pin ca
n be configured to provide the “Last gasp” function, to trigger the delivery of a
last alarm notification to a remote entity in the case of a power supply outage (configured by means
of +ULGASP AT command), setting the parameter <gpio_mode> of AT+UGPIOC command to 19.
The pin configured to provide the “Last gasp” function is set as
Input, to trigger the last gasp procedure upon detection of a falling edge or a rising edge
LISA-U2 "01", "02", "03", "52", "62", "63", "68", "83" product versions do not support
“Last gasp”
Network status indication:
can be configured to indicate network status (i.e. no service,
registered home 2G network, registered home 3G network, registered visitor 2G network, registered
visitor 3G network, voice or data 2G/3G call enabled), setting the parameter <gpio_mode> of
AT+UGPIOC command to 2.
No GPIO pin is configured by default to provide the “Network status indication” function.
The “Network status indication” mode can be provided only on one pin at a time: it is not possible to
simultaneously set the same mode on another pin.
The pin configured to provide the “Network status indication” function is set as
Continuous Output / Low, if no service (no network coverage or not registered)
Cyclic Output / High for 100 ms, Output / Low for 2 s, if registered home 2G network
Cyclic Output / High for 50 ms, Output / Low for 50 ms, Output / High for 50 ms, Output / Low for
2 s, if registered as a home 3G network
Cyclic Output / High for 100 ms, Output / Low for 100 ms, Output / High for 100 ms, Output / Low
for 2 s, if registered as a visitor 2G network (roaming)
Cyclic Output / High for 50 ms, Output / Low for 50 ms, Output / High for 50 ms, Output / Low for
100 ms, if registered as a visitor 3G network (roaming)
Continuous Output / High, if voice or data 2G/3G call enabled
The pin configured to provide the “Network status indication” function can be connected on the
application board to an input pin of an application processor or it can drive a LED by a transistor with
integrated resistors to indicate network status.
Module status indication:
pins can be configured to indicate module status (power-off mode, i.e. module
switched off, versus idle, active or connected modes, i.e. module switched on), properly setting the
parameter <gpio_mode> of the AT+UGPIOC command to 10.
No GPIO pin is configured by default to provide the “Module status indication”.
The pin configured to provide the “Module status indication” function is set as
Output / High, when the module is switched on (any operating mode during module normal
operation: idle, active or connected mode)
Output / Low, when the module is switched off (power-off mode)
The “Module status indication” mode can be provided only on one pin at a time: it is not possible to
simultaneously set the same mode on another pin.