C099-F9P - User guide
UBX-18063024 - R16
Using C099-F9P
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Figure 15: CLI help command
Figure 16: Example RPC syntax
By typing the help command as in Figure 15, ODIN-W2 displays all available user commands with a
short description. The CLI embodies character echo with limited text edit functions. Misspelled
commands are replied to with a list of supported commands. Note that ODIN-W2 features I/O-related
functions for diagnostic purposes. These functions are listed by the CLI but are not documented in
this user guide.
Persistent ODIN-W2 settings
By default, ODIN-W2 starts in Bluetooth initiator role, and the ODIN-W2 UART1 is configured to use a
460800 baud rate. However, some user settings can be stored in the non-volatile data storage (flash)
in ODIN-W2 and applied after a power cycle.
The user settings are saved into the flash memory via the following CLI command:
/mem_store/run <argument 1> <argument 2>
Revert to factory default
Factory default settings can be set by one of the two methods:
(via CLI)
Press down the SW0 button for more than 3 seconds.
During the next restart of ODIN-W2, the factory default settings will be applied.