UBI EasyCoder 401 Linerless – Technical Manual
Media Type
The Media Type setup controls how the LSS and the paper feed
work. There are five standard media types, two of which are not
used in EasyCoder 401 Linerless printers:
Label (w gaps) is used for adhesive labels mounted on backing
paper. This option is not intended for EasyCoder 401 Linerless.
Ticket (w mark) is used for pre-perforated paper strip provided
with black marks at the back of the paper web (EasyCoder 401
LLT only), or non-perforated paper strip with black marks
(EasyCoder 401 LLC only).
Ticket (w gaps) is used for tickets and tags with detection slits.
This option is not intended for EasyCoder 401 Linerless.
Fix length strip is used for continuous paper strip without any
black marks or perforations in EasyCoder 401 LLC only. The
Length setup parameter (see Media Size) decides the length of
each copy.
Var length strip is used for continuous paper strip without any
black marks or perforations in EasyCoder 401 LLC only. The
length of each copy will be adapted to accommodate the print
image (including invisible parts like linefeeds or white parts of
an image) plus a small rear margin.
It is important to select the correct option, so the printer can indicate
possible paper errors. Two different error conditions may occur:
Error 1005 “Out of paper” indicates that the last ordered copy
could not be printed because of an empty paper stock.
Error 1031 “Next label not found” indicates that the last ordered
copy was successfully printed, but no more copies can be printed
because of an empty paper stock.
Head Resistance:
The power to the printhead is adjusted automatically according to
the printhead resistance each time the printer is started. There is no
manual head resistance setup.
Paper Type:
To obtain the best printout quality, the printer should be set up for
type of printing and the characteristics of the linerless direct thermal
paper quality currently used, see chapter “Selecting Paper”.
Print Defines
• Printhead Resistance
• Paper Type
• New Supplies