Ubee Interactive
Using the VPN Option
Ubee EVW32C Advanced Wireless Voice Gateway Subscriber User Manual • March 2017
Using the VPN Option
Use the VPN menu to configure virtual private tunnels (VPNs) for the EVW32C.
A VPN is a computer network that carries links between nodes by open connections over
the Internet or virtual circuits instead of by physical wires. A common use of a VPN is
when you want to connect to a computer at a remote location, such as from a branch
office to a corporate office to share private data.
Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)
– A standards-based protocol suite used to
secure IP communications. IPsec operates in the Internet layer (TCP/IP) to
authenticate and encrypt each IP packet in a communication session.
VPN Tunnel
– A way to transmit data through a public network intended for use in a
private network. Data is transmitted so that the routing points on the public network
are unaware the transmission is part of a private network.
A VPN tunnel is established in two phases:
Phase One
Establish an Internet key exchange (IKE) security association (SA)
between the device and the remote IPsec router.
Phase Two
Use the IKE SA to establish an IPsec SA through which the device
and the remote IPsec router can send data securely between computers on the
local and remote networks.
– A security association is a contract that indicates what security parameters the
device and the remote IPSec router use for each phase. An SA is the foundation of an
IPsec VPN configuration.
IPsec Algorithms
– The AH and ESP protocols provide the authentication used to
create a security association. Once the SA is established, you can begin to transport
data securely.
– The authentication header protocol (RFC 2402) is designed for integrity,
authentication, and resisting replays. In applications where confidentiality is not
required or not sanctioned by government encryption restrictions, an AH can be
used to ensure integrity. AH verifies information integrity and authenticates the
originator, but does not protect against dissemination.