Ubee Interactive
Using the Advanced Option
Ubee EVW32C Advanced Wireless Voice Gateway Subscriber User Manual • March 2017
3. Click
. The triggering rule is created and displayed in the table as shown below.
Additional field descriptions follow.
The following example shows the Port Triggering option set up for a dual Xbox
Trigger Start Port
Allows you to enter a port number or the starting port number in a range of port numbers.
Trigger End Port
Allows you to enter a port number or the ending port number in a range of port numbers.
Target Start Port
Allows you to enter a port number or the starting port number in a range of port numbers.
Target End Port
Allows you to enter a port number or the ending port number in a range of port numbers.
Allows you to enter the protocol type for this rule: UDP, TCP, or BOTH.
Allows you to enter a name for the triggering rule.
Disables (Off) or enables (On) the triggering rule.
Saves changes.
Remove All
Deletes all entries in the forwarding table.