ECCN 7A994
24 | 37
8.3.9 Emitter Category
To assist ATC tracking of aircraft, an aircraft category is transmitted. Select
the aircraft category that most closely matches the aircraft.
UK : Note EC devices are not approved for all emitter categories. EC
devices are intended for voluntary carriage on registered and non-
registered UK Annex II aircraft, non-complex EASA aircraft of <5700kg
MTOM and for gliders and balloons (including those covered under ELA 1
and ELA 2) within uncontrolled UK airspace.
Australia : EC devices are approved for installation in both certified and
uncertified aircraft but only for flight under VFR below FL290.
Emitter Category can be set as follows:
Emitter Category
Light Airplane
Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight
less than 15,500 pounds. This includes very
light aircraft (light sport aircraft) that do not
meet the requirements of US 14 CFR Section
Small Airplane
Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight
greater than or equal to 15,500 pounds but
less than 75,000 pounds.
Large Airplane
Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight
greater than or equal to 75,000 pounds but
less than 300,000 pounds that does not qualify
for the high vortex category.
Large Airplane with
High Vortex
Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight
greater than or equal to 75,000 pounds but
less than 300,000 pounds that has been
determined to generate a high wake vortex.
Currently, the Boeing 757 is the only example.
Heavy Airplane
Any airplane with a maximum takeoff weight
greater than or equal to 300,000 pounds.
Highly Maneuverable
Any airplane, regardless of weight, which can
maneuver in excess of 5 G’s and maintain true
airspeed above 400 knots.
Any rotorcraft regardless of weight.