ECCN 7A994
12 | 37
5.3 Regulatory Compliance
SkyEcho meets the Minimum Operational Performance Standards of DO-
260B Class A0 with the output power limited to 20W and the SBAS GNSS
receiver meets the performance requirements of TSO-C199.
5.3.1 CAA CAP 1391 Declaration
An EC device that operates using ADS-B at 1090MHz must have a
Declaration of Capability and Conformance (DoCC) from the manufacturer
before you can legally use it on board an aircraft. The pilot in command of
the aircraft is responsible for ensuring that the EC device has a valid
declaration. Please refer to the CAA EC Web page for more information:
Reference number
Issue number
Type number
Issue 0
uAvionix Inc
SkyEcho 2
5.3.2 CASA CAO 20.18 Statement of Compliance.
An EC device must have a statement of compliance from the EC device
manufacturer certifying that the device meets the requirements 1 to 5 of
CAO20:18 Part B Appendix XIV before you can legally use it on board an
aircraft. The pilot in command of the aircraft is responsible for ensuring that
the EC device has a valid declaration and that the declaration is carried on
SkyEcho meets the requirements of 1 to 5 of CAO20:18 Part B Appendix
XIV. Since SkyEcho contains an internal pressure altitude sensor, if used
within a pressurized cockpit, the transmitted pressure altitude may be
erroneous and may not comply with CASA standards and deviation
requirements. For this reason, SkyEcho should be used only in
unpressurized aircraft when the transmit function is enabled.