ZED-F9T - Integration Manual
Configuration item
Enable active antenna voltage control
Enable short circuit detection
CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_SHORTDET_POL Short antenna detection polarity
Set to 1 if the required logic polarity is
active-low (default)
Enable open circuit detection
Open antenna detection polarity
Set to 1 if the required logic polarity is
active-low (default)
Power down antenna supply if Short
Circuit is detected
CFG-HW-ANT_CFG_PWRDOWN_POL Power down antenna logic polarity
Set to 1 if the required logic polarity is
active-high (default)
Enable auto recovery in the event of a
short circuit
To use this feature, short circuit
detection should be enabled. See CFG-
PIO-Pin (PIO number) used for switching
antenna supply
It is recommended that you use the
default PIO and assigned pin
PIO-Pin (PIO number) used for detecting
a short in the antenna supply
It is recommended that you use the
default PIO and assigned pin
PIO-Pin (PIO number) used for detecting
open/not connected antenna
It is recommended that you use the
default PIO and assigned pin
Table 4: Antenna supervisor configuration
It is possible to obtain the status of the antenna supervisor through the UBX-MON-RF message.
Moreover, any changes in the status of the antenna supervisor are reported to the host interface
in the form of notice messages. See the tables below for a description of the antenna state status
and the antenna power status.
Antenna is off
Antenna is on
Antenna power status is not known
Table 5: Antenna power status
3.1.5 Differential timing mode configuration
In differential timing mode the ZED-F9T can operate either as a master reference station or as a
slave station. Using the RTCM3 protocol, the master sends timing corrections to the slave via a
communication link enabling the slave to compute its time relative to the master with high accuracy.
This section describes how to configure the ZED-F9T high accuracy timing receiver as a master
reference station and as slave station. The section begins with a note describing the RTCM protocol
and corresponding supported message types. RTCM corrections
RTCM is a binary data protocol for communication of GNSS correction information. The ZED-F9T
high accuracy timing receiver supports RTCM as specified by RTCM 10403.3, Differential GNSS
(Global Navigation Satellite Systems) Services – Version 3 (October 7, 2016).
The RTCM specification is currently at version 3.3 and RTCM version 2 messages are not supported
by this standard. Users can download the standard from the RTCM website
To modify the RTCM input/output settings, see the configuration section in the u-blox ZED-F9T
Interface Description [
UBX-19005590 - R01
3 Receiver functionality
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