EVK-NINA-B3 - User Guide
UBX-17056481 - R03
Product description
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Product description
The u-blox EVK-NINA-B3 evaluation kit is a versatile development platform that allows quick
prototyping of a variety of extreme low-power Internet of Things (IoT) applications, using full
Bluetooth 5, NFC, and IEEE 802.15.4.
The u-blox EVK-NINA-B3 boards are available in the following four variants, depending on the required
antenna and software solution:
EVK-NINA-B301, with an open CPU NINA-B301 module and an antenna connector for connecting
to external antennas.
EVK-NINA-B311, with a NINA-B311 module including u-blox connectivity software, and an
antenna connector for connecting to external antennas.
EVK-NINA-B302, with an open CPU NINA-B302 module that includes an internal antenna (a unique
2.4 GHz metal sheet antenna, soldered on to the module).
EVK-NINA-B312, with a NINA-B312 module including u-blox connectivity software and an internal
antenna (a unique 2.4 GHz metal sheet antenna soldered on to the module).
The evaluation board provides access to all of the 38 GPIO pins and interfaces available on the
NINA-B3 modules through a variety of connectors and interfaces including Arduino™ Uno R3 and
Raspberry Pi header connectors.
The stand-alone NINA-B3 modules include an Arm
-M4F microcontroller with 1 MB internal
flash and 256 kB RAM, running at a system clock of 64 MHz. This has been integrated inside the
Nordic Semiconductor nRF52840 chip that the modules are based on. The evaulation board provides
simple USB drag-n-drop programming and a SEGGER J-Link debug interface that can be used with
the open CPU variants of the EVK. Nordic provides a free Software Development Kit (SDK) with a broad
selection of drivers, libraries, and example applications that can be used for rapid prototyping.
Figure 1: EVK-NINA-B311 evaluation board