EVK-NINA-B3 - User Guide
UBX-17056481 - R03
Product description
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Add jumper
to pins
3, 4
Selects the diode protected battery as a source for the VDD_NINA net.
9, 10
(Optional) Powers up the Interface MCU, USB hub, and UART to USB converter with 3.3 V.
1, 3
Powers up the NINA module. The NINA VCC and VCC_IO pins are connected to the selected
source for the VDD_NINA net.
2, 4
(Optional) Powers up the peripherals directly connected to NINA such as LEDs and external
memory with the NINA supply voltage.
Table 5: Jumper positions for battery powered operation with a protection diode, two jumpers are optional
External supply
When measuring current consumption or performing other NINA-B3 module characterization
measurements, it can be useful to power the module with an external source such as a DC power
analyzer. In such a case, all jumpers can be removed and the required supply nets can be fed externally
by connecting to the pin headers. For example, the NINA-B3 module can be powered by connecting an
external supply directly to the J22 pin 1 and GND.
Take care that unpowered parts of the board are properly isolated. If a voltage is applied to the
signal of an unpowered device, current might leak through various protection circuits of the device.
This might give false readings when measuring current consumption etc.
Figure 9 below shows a few optional jumper connections that can be helpful when supplying the
module with an external supply.
Figure 9: Optional jumper positons while using an external power supply
Add jumper
to pins
7, 8
(Optional) Selects the board regulated 3.3 V net as a source for the VDD_NINA net.
9, 10
(Optional) Powers up the Interface MCU, USB hub, and UART to USB converter with 3.3 V.
3, 4
(Optional) Powers up the peripherals directly connected to NINA such as LEDs and external
memory with the selected source for the VDD_NINA net.
Table 6: Optional jumper positons while using an external supply
Raspberry Pi HAT
When connecting a HAT to the Raspberry Pi interface, the following jumper configuration can be used.
Depending on how the NINA module should communicate with a test PC over USB or with the HAT,
the VDD_MCU net could be left unpowered.
The 3V3_PI supply net must only be powered when connecting to a Raspberry Pi expansion board
(HAT). If connecting to a Raspberry Pi board, the jumper must be disconnected.
Figure 10: Jumper configuration when connected to a Raspberry Pi HAT