F3200/NDU AS4428.1 Installation Manual
Document No: LT0255
Page 6-16
5 July 2016
Issue 1.22
The AVI is an illuminated, 24Vdc warning sign with an internal sounder that produces
AS2220 Alert and Evacuate warning tones or the ISO 8201 Evacuate signal (requires V1.20
or later software for ISO signal). It has two independent sets of indication (i.e. top and
bottom), two signal inputs, and can be configured to provide the combinations of tone and
illumination required for gas release warning signs. It can be ordered with one of a number
of standard faceplates with wording such as FIRE ALARM / EVACUATE AREA.
Two models of AVI have been produced.
The original AVI (FP0628) which uses incandescent lamps and produces only AS2220
The AVI Mk2 (FP0853/4) which uses LEDs.
The wiring and set up for these AVIs are different.
Two standard versions of AVI Mk2 are available, with the faceplates (such as FIRE
ALARM/DO NOT ENTER) ordered separately. FP0853 has two rows of red LEDs (i.e. to
illuminate the top and bottom rows of lettering). FP0854 has 3 rows of yellow LEDs as
required for the 3 line XXXX SYSTEM INOPERATIVE signs.
AVI Mk2s have 3 pairs of terminals that provide connection to the FIP, namely “COM”,
“IN-T” and “IN-B”. Pairs are provided to allow “daisy chaining” of multiple AVIs off one FIP
output circuit. A fourth pair “SYNC” allows for synchronisation of tone and LED flashing on
daisy-chained AVIs.
IN-T operates the top LEDs, for which the default tone is Alert. IN-B operates the bottom
LEDs for which the default tone is Evac. COM is the power supply common in a 3-wire
arrangement and may be position or negative. Negative is generally used as that is required
for the FIP relay supervision.
With a 2-wire connection from the FIP to the first AVI (3-wires to further AVIs if
synchronised) when IN-T is positive and IN-B is negative the top LEDs flash, when IN-B is
positive and IN-T is negative the bottom LEDs flash.
With a 3-wire connection from the FIP to the first AVI (4 wires to further AVIs if
synchronised), a common negative is used and a positive voltage applied to IN-T/IN-B
activates the top/ bottom LEDs. Note the bottom indication/tone overrides if both In-T and
In-B are applied.
The wiring diagram 1931-124 for the gas control doors ME0438-442 shows a 2-wire
connection, but can be used for a 3-wire connection (see below). Both facilitate supervision
of the AVIs by the FIP relays for which a 2k7 resistor is a suitable EOL. Refer to Figures
6.2.3 and 6.2.4.
The logic equations in 6.2.2 for RL1 and RL2 work for both 2-wire and 3-wire because Evac
overrides Alert and the default setting for IN-B turns on the top LEDs with the bottom.
However for 3-wire connections RL2 must be re-wired and configured as supervised
(program supervision as enabled and fit Lk2 to S on the 8 Relay Bd).
Note the System Inoperative sign requires only one relay to switch 24V to IN-B, with IN-T (or
COM) wired to 0V. Refer to Figure 6.2.5. Refer to the appropriate AVI instructions to
disable the Evacuate tone.