Soft Power Connector
The Soft Power Connector is located on pins 1 and 2 of jumper block
J25. Pressing the Soft Power Button will turn the system on (and off).
Sleep Button Connector
The sleep button connector is located on pin 3 and pin 4 of jumper block
J25. Pressing this button will put the system in Sleep or Suspend mode.
Pressing it once more will wake up the system. The power LED will
blink when the system is in Sleep mode.
A four second override feature is built into the motherboard according to
PC98 specifications. If you hold the sleep button for more than four sec-
onds, the system will shut itself down. Use the four second override fea-
ture when the system hangs or crashes. This feature is not intended for
normal shutdown operation. Please use the regular soft power button for
a normal shutdown.
Speaker Connector Installation
The S1696DLUA provides a 4-pin header to connect the speaker. The
speaker is connected to pins 24-27 of jumper block J25.
External SMI
The external SMI is located at jumper JP47. The pin assignment is
pin1: external SMI; pin 2: GND.