Tomcat i875PF S5105
Chapter 3: BIOS Setup
RxD, TxD Active:
This field configures the receive and transmit signals generated from the IR port.
Hi, Hi / Hi, Lo / Lo, Hi / Lo, Lo
IR Transmission Delay:
This item allows you to “Enabled” or Disabled” the IR transmission delay.
Enabled / Disabled
UR2 Duplex Mode:
This item allows you to select IR “Half” or “Full” duplex function.
Half / Full
Onboard Parallel Port:
This field allows the user to configure the LPT port.
378/IRQ7 / 278/IRQ5 / 3BC/IRQ7 / Disabled
Parallel Port Mode:
This field allows the user to select the parallel port mode.
EPP Mode Select:
This item allows you to determine the IR transfer mode of onboard I/O chip.
EPP1.9 / EPP1.7
ECP Mode Use DMA:
This field allows the user to select the DMA1 or DMA3 for the ECP mode.
Watch Dog Timer Select:
This item allows the user to select after how long time the system will reboot.
Disabled / 1 Min / 2 Min / 4 Min / 8 Min / 15 Min / 30 Min / 1 Hour