5.2 Beep Codes
Fatal errors, which halt the boot process, are communicated through a series of audible
beeps. For example, if the BIOS POST can initialize the video but an error occurs, an
error message will be displayed. If it cannot display the message, it will report the error as
a series of beeps.
Beep codes that are used by AMIBIOS:
Troubleshooting BIOS Beep Codes
Before contacting your vendor or Tyan Technical Support, be sure that you note as much
as you can about the beep code length and order that you experience. Also, be ready with
information regarding add-in cards, drives and O/S to speed the support process and
come to a quicker solution.
Number of Beeps
Memory refresh timer error
2 Parity
Main memory read / write test error
Motherboard timer not operational
5 Processor
Keyboard controller BAT test error / No memory inserted
General exception error / Non Reg / ECC DIMMs inserted
8 Display
ROM checksum error
CMOS shutdown register read/write error
Cache memory bad
Number of Beeps
Trouble shooting action
1, 2 or 3
Reseat the memory, or replace with known good modules.
Make sure they are Registered ECC.
4-7, 9-11
Fatal error indicating a serious problem with the system.
Consult your system manufacturer. Before declaring the
motherboard beyond all hope, eliminate the possibility of
interference by a malfunctioning add-in card. Remove all
expansion cards except the video adapter.
• If the beep codes are generated even when all other
expansion cards are absent, the motherboard has a serious
problem. Consult your system manufacturer.
• If the beep codes are not generated when all other expansion
cards are absent, one of the add-in cards is causing the
malfunction. Insert the cards back into the system one at a time
until the problem happens again. This will reveal the
malfunctioning add-in card.
If the system video adapter is an add-in card, replace or reseat
the video adapter. If the video adapter is an integrated part of
the system board, the board may be faulty.