S1830 Tsunami AT
The CPU is a sensitive electronic component and it can easily be damaged
by static electricity. Do not touch the CPU pins with your fingers.
Before the CPU is installed, the mainboard must be placed on a flat
surface. You should be able to insert the CPU with minimal, but firm,
pressure. Do not press down hard on the CPU.
Currently, Intel produces two types of Pentium II processors: the active (or
boxed) processor and the passive processor (see Figures 12 and 13 on the next
page ). These two types of processors are essentially the same in design; the
only difference lies in their cooling methods. The active processor is equipped
with a cooling fan and heat sink, while the passive processor is equipped with
a heat sink alone. Both types of CPUs provide the user with the same perfor-
mance, and both types can be installed in the Pentium II slot on the Tsunami
AT board.
Installing CPU Retention Modules
Installation of a Pentium II processor requires a CPU retention module, which
is first secured onto the motherboard.
To attach the retention module, place the motherboard on a flat surface. Locate
the key pin on one end of the Pentium II slot on the board. Then carefully line
Figure 11