Pentium II Motherboards AMI BIOS Setup -Page
Advanced Setup
The Advanced Setup settings, designed for the Intel 440FX chipset, are described in this
chapter. Select Advanced Setup from the AMIBIOS Setup main menu to display the
Advanced Setup options.
Default Settings
Every option in AMIBIOS Setup contains three sets of values: Fail-Safe, Original, and
Optimal Default settings. Do not change any default values set by your manufacturer,
unless you thoroughly understand the functions of the items you are changing.
Optimal Defaults The Optimal default values provide optimum performance settings for all devices and
system features.
Fail-Safe Defaults The Fail-Safe default settings consist of the safest set of parameters. Use them if the
system is behaving erratically. They should always work but do not provide optimal
system performance characteristics.
Original Defaults This option allows the user to restore the original defaults and allows the user to use
the last-saved values as new default values.