XIIMUS 4K CL User Manual. Model: 4096CT. Version 1.4
Retrieve information (address 188)
This command will retrieve various information from the camera.
Function decimal
188 BC
The data byte for this command can take the following values:
186 = Read Pixel Clock Frequency
187 = Read Serial Number
188 = Read Hardware Settings
189 = Read Temperature Bits
192 = Logic #1 Firmware version
193 = Logic #2 Firmware version
194 = MCU Software Version
Read Pixel Clock Frequency
Once issued, this command will reply with the command byte and a byte that will indicate the
pixel clock frequency of the camera. If the camera has multiplexed output, the reply byte has
to be divided with three to obtain the pixel frequency per colour channel.
Read Serial Number
RS-232 port:
When this command is issued, the ten byte serial number of the camera in question is output
on the RS-232 port in ASCII text format. The transmission starts with the first character of the
serial number. If the serial number is shorter than 10 characters, the extra characters will be
spaces (ASCII 32).
To obtain the serial number of the camera, send the 2-byte set 188 and 187.
The replies with the following ten bytes: 65 50 52 53 48 50 32 32 32 32.
The camera serial number is A24502.
Camera Link
serial communications port:
When this command is issued, the camera will reply with the first byte of the 10-byte serial
number string. After the first byte is acknowledged by sending the same byte back to the
camera, the camera will output the next byte on the port until a total of ten bytes have been
read out in this manner.
© TVI Vision, 14 July 2006 page 37 ( 56 )