12.1 Window Generation
Now select the input left hand tab and a list of inputs appear. These can be dragged onto
the canvas. On first dropping a pop up window appears. The user is asked to select the
quality of the window to be used. After selection press OK
Now the user can size and position the window with either the mouse of the values set on
the right hand side. The selected window is shown in pink. Once all the windows have
been placed the user must press the take button for these to be sent to the box. After this
the windows will appear on the output devices.
12.1.1 Clipping inputs
A video source may not have good images at the edges. To help this the inputs can be
lightly clipped to remove the edge pixels and lines. By pulling down the cropping menu on
the right the user may remove a few pixels/lines from an input source. The image is then
automatically enlarged to fill the window.
12.1.2 Window Borders
The user may add a border to a window this is set in pixel widths and can have any colour
set from the colour table. Press
to store the colour. Then press take to send this to
the unit for display.
12.1.3 Canvas Grid
A grid can be set up to aid the positioning of windows. This grid only works on windows
that have been selected to respond it the grid. A number of grids can be used to set up
windows in this way as windows using past grids that are not touched will not move to a
new grid. The grid is also not stored at any time for the windows and is lost the moment it
is either changed or the software is logout.