General information about this operating manual
General information about this
operating manual
A word about this operating manual
To maintain the safety and utilisability of the machine, a
professional operation as well as conscientious care and
maintenance are necessary. When you use the machine for its
intended purpose, the operating manual at hand will help you to
avoid damages to persons and property. The manual takes the
necessary legal conditions and guidelines into account and
contains important information.
The operating manual is part of the Tuchel-Trac® and should be
kept with the machine so that it is readily available at any time. If
the operating manual becomes soiled or gets lost, a new
replacement manual can be requested from Tuchel
Maschinenbau GmbH at any time. If the machine is sold, the
operating manual must be transferred to the new owner.
The owner of the machine bears the responsibility for the
following points:
Every operator must be of at least legal minimum age and
physically as well as mentally fit to reliably fulfil the tasks
assigned to them.
Every person who operates or services the machine must
have read and understood the operating manual beforehand.
The machine may only be used for its intended purpose in
accordance with regulations.
The machine may not be improperly modified or altered.
The declaration of conformity of the Tuchel Maschinenbau GmbH
expires if the owner allows safety-relevant modifications to be
performed on the machine. The party performing the
modifications must issue a new certificate. If you have questions
concerning this, please contact Tuchel directly.